Sunday, 25 January 2015

Main reasons of collision between Russia and the Western world

Current tensions between Russia and the west are a result of various factors and many commentators ignore the facts and assume that the main issue between Russia and the west is just Ukraine. Although on face it appears that recent cooling of relations is due to Ukraine, but in reality this process can be traced back  to Orange Revolution of 2004 in Ukraine. In this article I'll examine main reasons for this crisis.

Following reasons have played a very important role in current crisis between Russia and West:

Dissolution of Soviet Union: Formation and Dissolution of Soviet Union were both significant events of 20th century and both of these events have led lasting impacting over International Politics. Dissolution of Soviet Union was a result of many factors but the most important factor was the economy of Soviet Union and this event triggered a whole new range of realignments in International Arena. Various communist and socialist countries were forced to adopt the market based economic model and for a small time period it appeared that at last Capitalism has triumphed over other economic models. Immediately after dissolution of Soviet Union, post soviet countries faced a depression and total collapse of their economies. Russia felt itself humiliated and arrogance of western countries increased this feeling of defeat among Russian elites and general population. Many people consider that dissolution of Soviet Union is history, but in reality impact of this event is felt even now.

Expansion of NATO and European Integration Process: European integration and expansion of NATO have gained speed after fall of Iron Curtain and reunification of Germany. In the eyes of Kremlin this is another attempt of the West to contain Russia and weaken its position in global geopolitics. Russians have a long memory and remember the invasion of Napoleon, Nazi Germany due to which a large part of European Russia was destroyed. Although in the eyes of West, Napoleon's France and Hitler's Germany can't be considered part of the west but in Russian eyes they were just another bunch of invaders from the West.

A possibility of US Anti- Missile System in Eastern European countries: At least officially various US Administrations have denied that the proposed missile defense system in Eastern Europe is designed for Russian missiles and the official reason is to counter a possible attack from North Korea or Iran. But Kremlin insists that the main goal of an anti missile system is to neutralize Russian nuclear capabilities and render Russia's nuclear arsenal useless in a future armed conflict with NATO. This issue has played a significant role in worsening West-Russia relations.

US covert operations in former communist countries and post soviet states: since downfall of communism in Eastern Europe and post soviet states, US has been engaged in regime change through so called popular revolutions. For last 25 years Russia and America are engaged in a game of check mate in the near abroad of Russia. Sometimes Russia engineers a revolution and US is forced to counter it with another revolution and at other times a U.S. supported revolution is stopped by a counter revolution funded by Kremlin.

Historical distrust: Since at least last 100 years Russian and Western Interests have been different and although both the sides fought together as allies during Second World War, but the mutual distrust continued and immediately after the end of World War II, both sides again resumed their confrontational posture.

These are the main points which are responsible for the current crisis in Ukraine and you are free to add any other point in comments if you think I haven't included it here..

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